Achieving wellness through whole body approaches and mind-body connections that empower YOU as the expert on your life.

The Healing Wheel
Healing Revolves Around YOU! Learn how to use all
the parts of YOU to improve your health and wellness.

Casey's Story
One Woman, Three Perspectives, Years of Trauma,
Decades of Illness, Countless Ways To Heal.

Light Your Sparkle
Whole Body Approaches and Mind-Body Connections. You Are The Expert On Your Life!

The Healing Wheel
Learn How To Use All The Parts Of You To Achieve Wellness

Casey's Story
One Woman, Three Perspectives,
Years of Trauma, Decades of Illness,
Countless Ways To Heal.
"True healing is an integration of all the parts of you."
For years Casey focused on how to 'Light My Sparkle' as a motivation to explore, investigate, and implement healing protocols to slow down the progression and cure her Crohn's disease. Along the way, she learned new perspectives about the world and herself. The spark she needed already existed inside of her and in her environment. She simply needed confidence and help connecting the dots. Now the pieces have come together into a whole method. Sharing her lessons and discoveries while building relationships with all of you became an important part of the healing process. As a "Thank you," she created resources just for you.
The Healing Wheel is an integrative illustration of building blocks that we need to thrive. Combined together, these resources enhance and complement each other giving us the strength and capacity to achieve our highest potential and quality of life.
Casey's upcoming book, Running on a Broken Foot, outlines her journey through trauma and illness using a unique healing method. Acknowledging everyone's story is different, Casey offers a universal invitation toward integrative healing and recovery.
The SparkLife Blog is a collection of articles Casey's written that further illustrate diverse healing options, perspectives, paths she has taken to address her own traumas and Crohn's disease, lessons she has learned about achieving whole body health, and interviews with leading experts on mental and physical health, trauma, and resilience.
To view more articles and videos Casey has collected through the years, please browse the Resources section.
"True healing starts when you believe an expert. That expert is YOU!"
I know I am on the right healing path when my choices light my inner sparkle. Every day reveals answers to my healing, some new, others that were in my life all along.
Browse The SparkLife Blog
A collection of articles written by Casey & her interviews with experts and influencers
This blog highlights Casey's experiences with healers, physicians, treatments, and lifestyle choices. The content embodies Casey's guiding principle for health: We are responsible for our own bodies. With the right support and information, we can live a quality life, overcome illness, and further our greater good. The decision to heal requires being proactive, self-advocating, and applying lessons and interventions to one's unique needs and history.
As you read, please ask yourself how does this information feel? Is it right for me? Does it apply to me?
We are on this path together-- lets help each other light our sparkle!