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Energy medicine and Energy Psychology: How to use them to heal

Written by Casey Hersch, MSW, LCSW
June 9, 2020

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How Energy Medicine helped my autoimmune condition (Crohn’s disease).

I learned about the field of energy medicine when I was looking for ways to heal my autoimmune conditions. The options conventional medicine offered me for Crohn’s disease were limited to medications and surgery. These weren’t viable options for me. After several NAET treatments, I was able to eat solid foods and bleeding stopped. It happened fast and it was noninvasive. I was inspired and hopeful. Through the years I explored many types of energy approaches including biomagnetism, tapping, tuning forks, German remedies, VOILA, emotional polarity technique, Resonance Repatterning, Energy Psychology and many more… With each step I either improved or maintained status quo. This is noteworthy as many people with Crohn’s disease get progressively worse.

Energy approaches acknowledge trauma and its connection to illness

In all of the energy approaches there was an emotional component. It was obvious these approaches recognized that healing is mind, body, and spirit and trauma has a significant affect on health and disease processes. For the first time, these energy healers incorporated my history of trauma into sessions. After decades of talk psychotherapy, I was stunned at how quickly I felt shifts in my well-being, anxiety, and the hold my past had on my present.

Dr Fred Gallo: My introduction to Energy Psychology

Eager to learn more I explored the role of energy approaches in mental health treatment and was surprised that after years of being a licensed mental health therapist, I was unaware of the field of Energy Psychology. Now that I know about these incredible resources, I am sharing them here on my blog. I want to make them accessible to professionals and patients! I wish for these approaches to one day be mainstream and included in everyone’s treatment plans.

It was the work of Dr Fred Gallo that formally introduced me to the field of Energy Psychology.

The two books listed below changed my life.

The field of Energy Psychology was named and introduced with his 1998 book, Energy Psychology. 

Next followed Dr Gallo’s book titled, Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods in 2000.


One of my favorites is Energy Psychology in Psychotherapy: A Comprehensive Sourcebook


His books guided me in how Energy Psychology was being used in my field and answered my questions as to how and why this powerful modality works.

In summary, everything in our universe is comprised of energy and matter. Through gentle activation of specific acupuncture points, negative emotions are alleviated. Energy Psychology is an integrative approach consisting of acupuncture, psychology, and applied kinesiology (mind-body-energy). (Gallo, 1998).

Energy Psychology is a great adjunct to treatment.

Dr Gallo offers seminars and certifications around the world and there are several universities in Europe that use his books.

Dr Feinstein: My introduction to Energy Psychology

In an interview I had with Dr Feinstein, he offers an overview of Energy Psychology and how it is used in treatment. 

Dr Feinstein, clinical psychologist, has written numerous award-winning books on consciousness and healing. He has served as faculty at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and he and his wife, Donna Eden created the largest organization teaching energy medicine. In our interview, he offers an overview of Energy Psychology and gives examples of how it is used in treatment.

Non licensed and licensed practitioners can obtain the training.

One of my favorite books by Dr Feinstein is The Promise of Energy Psychology


Resources to explore Energy Psychology: (Dr Feinstein) (Dr Feinstein and Donna Eden) (Dr Fred Gallo) (Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology)

Find a certified Energy Psychology Practitioner:

Additional resources:

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Photo Credit: Scott Hersch